Stay Healthy on the Road: A Fresh Take with From Michelle Tran


Nicole Copestake

Stay Healthy on the Road: A Fresh Take with From Michelle Tran

At Nexstand we’re all about embracing our healthy era on the road. Especially when it can be damn challenging between all that good street food we come across while hopping from place to place. 

In our latest Nexstand IG live we delved deep into the world of holistic wellness with Michelle Tran, a nutritionist and hypnotherapist nomad who's had years of experience not only coaching others, but also managing her own health while working remotely from Costa Rica to Bali, and now Toronto where she’s based.

Her approach? It's all about connecting the dots between mind, body, and lifestyle – and of course that includes your Nexstand.

Mind Over Matter – You Have to Show up to Glow up!

Michelle hits the nail on the head: "how we feel about ourselves shows up in how we show up in our life so, then I asked the question how do I change how we feel about ourselves so we become more consistent, more devoted so we follow through on what we actually want to do”. 

It's not just about thinking happy thoughts. Your mindset shapes your entire health journey.

"A lot of people know what to do but they don't do it. A lot of people desire certain things but it doesn't translate into their everyday practices." Sound familiar? We've all been there. It's time to bridge that gap between knowing and doing.

Your Health, Your Call

"Our life is whatever we decide it to be." You're in the driver's seat of your health journey. No backseat driving allowed!

"Everything comes down to the decision and with my clients it's what belief is driving those decisions which creates our behaviour. A lot of it comes down to I'm not good enough, not worthy, I'm not lovable or there are conditions that we feel we need to match in order to be lovable like I need to look a certain way, I need to have a lot of money, I need to be working out a certain amount of times you know… 

I'm not saying goals aren't good, but not on the contingency of how it makes you feel about yourself."

What beliefs are pulling your strings? Do they truly align with what makes you feel great about yourself?

These are important questions we need to ask ourselves when setting goals.

How to Build Confidence in Yourself

Forget the self-help fluff. Michelle's take on confidence is refreshing: "Confidence really stems from self trust. When you can follow through on what you said you're going to do, you build a sense of confidence because you know that you can rely on yourself." It's about walking the talk, not just talking the talk.

Michelle elaborates, "Whether it's meal prepping, eating a healthy meal, maybe saying no to sugar or alcohol, going to that Fitness class, going on a walk, you know that I can even make a bigger dream for myself because these little things that I've set out I've committed to them and I follow through on them."

It's about walking the talk, not just talking the talk. Each small victory builds upon the last, creating a foundation of self-trust and confidence.

Trust Your Gut: It’s More Than Just a Feeling

But Michelle doesn't stop at the psychological aspects. She delves into the physiological side too: "And if we were to even talk about the physiological side of things, your gut communicates with your brain and then your brain communicates with your hormones, happy hormones, our neurotransmitters, and that really shapes how we feel about ourselves."

This mind-body connection is crucial. As you follow through on your commitments and nourish your body, you're not just building habits – you're literally changing your brain chemistry.

Michelle acknowledges that sometimes it takes hitting a low point to spark change: "It kind of just starts with I think a lot of people have to hit rock bottom and say I don't, I don't like feeling like this, and then that kind of pushes them to these changes."

But here's the good news – once you start, it gets easier. "Once they start feeling real and feeling good then they're more likely to keep going," Michelle assures us.

So start small, be consistent, and watch your confidence grow. It's not about being perfect – it's about being reliable to yourself, one small commitment at a time.

Travel Smart, Eat Smart

"Being prepared is the most important thing." No more excuses for derailing your diet on the road.

And when you do indulge? Michelle says, "If you do decide to eat something that isn't completely healthy, not being guilty about it, just allowing yourself to enjoy it. Your body is always responding to our thoughts." Guilt-free treats? Yes, please!

Keep It Simple, don’t over complicate things.

"When in doubt, stick to stuff that just grows out of the ground." Mother Nature's always got your back.

"Eat in a Relaxed State."

Why? Stress turns your digestive system into a battleground. Peace at the table means peace in your gut.

Michelle emphasises a crucial yet often overlooked aspect of nutrition: "Eat in a relaxed state." This simple advice packs a powerful punch when it comes to your digestive health and overall well-being.

Why is this so important? Michelle explains the fascinating connection between stress and our bodies' reactions to food:

"Our body correlates when we don't like something or when we're stressed. Say for example you're going through a breakup or something and then you're eating something, our bodies correlate the stress to that food and then it creates a reaction to it."

In other words, stress turns your digestive system into a battleground. When you're stressed while eating, your body might associate that stress with the food itself, potentially leading to negative reactions or even food sensitivities.

This stress-food connection has far-reaching implications. Michelle points out a startling trend: "So a lot of what we're seeing is because our lifestyles are so stressful, a lot of these allergies are popping up and that's a big factor, something to think about."

The takeaway? Peace at the table means peace in your gut. By cultivating a relaxed state while eating, you're not just enjoying your meal more - you're potentially preventing digestive issues and even allergies.

The Nexstand Standard

"I love that you mention posture because even something like the Superman pose, that posture it's so powerful and a lot of people slump and something that I get told often is like you have a really confident walk and it's again coming back to posture it's like just holding yourself to that standard."

This aligns perfectly with laptop accessories like our hard as nails carbon fibre Nexstand K1. Perfect for helping you to keep you walking tall even after the work day is over.

The Bottom Line: Your Health, Your Way

Michelle's wisdom is a wake-up call. It's time to take charge, make decisions that align with your health goals, and trust yourself. Remember, "Our life is whatever we decide it to be." 

So, what's it going to be? The ball's in your court now.

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