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Baixar conjunto de logotipoPRÓXIMO EU
NEXSTAND EU, empresa de acessórios de trabalho remoto sediada em Londres se envolve em uma parceria de caridade com a Turing Trust. Ajudando a financiar educação e recursos em TIC para crianças carentes na África Subsaariana. Leia o comunicado à imprensa .
Contatos de imprensa
Sam Eaton
Kerry Schofield
Gerente de marca
Callum Boaden
Vendas e marketing
Diretório de mídia social
Boletins informativos
PRÓXIMO em fotos
Contact us
Our press team loves working with journalists around the world to share compelling, unique stories. If you’re a member of the media and would like to talk, please get in touch with us and send an email to
What's new at Nexstand
From the Blog
Stay Healthy on the Road: A Fresh Take with Fro...
At Nexstand we’re all about embracing our healthy era on the road. Especially when it can be damn challenging between all that good street food we come across while hopping...
Stay Healthy on the Road: A Fresh Take with Fro...
At Nexstand we’re all about embracing our healthy era on the road. Especially when it can be damn challenging between all that good street food we come across while hopping...
From Mexico to Mastering Sales with Charlie Coad
“Anyone can do it, especially if you have amazing equipment to help you step up in the online space like Nexstand” In our latest IG Live interview Charlie Coad from...
From Mexico to Mastering Sales with Charlie Coad
“Anyone can do it, especially if you have amazing equipment to help you step up in the online space like Nexstand” In our latest IG Live interview Charlie Coad from...
Nexstand K1 vs Roost V3: Why the Nexstand K1 Sh...
Laptop stands are more than just a fancy addition to your workspace; they're a necessity in the contemporary digital landscape where comfort and ergonomics take precedence. When it comes to...
Nexstand K1 vs Roost V3: Why the Nexstand K1 Sh...
Laptop stands are more than just a fancy addition to your workspace; they're a necessity in the contemporary digital landscape where comfort and ergonomics take precedence. When it comes to...